Hand Rankings

Every Poker player must start learning from hand rankings because poker is a game where players try to get the best hand and beat the opponent. So if you know combination sequence you can act according to your hand’s strength. Moreover, this gives you an opportunity to guess the strength of your opponent's hand by his actions. Poker starts from learning and understanding combinations!

Here you can see the whole rankings of all possible poker hands, from highest to lowest.

Royal Flush

It is the strongest hand and it's a dream of every player to get this combination. No other hand can beat it. The most-coveted hand in poker - cards of the same suit, in sequence, with the highest card as Ace (10, J, Q, K, A).

Straight Flush

Any five cards in sequence of the same suit (Example: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10). Ten high Straight Flush is in the picture below. If both players have Straight Flush a player with the highest card in the Straight Flush wins.

Four of a Kind

Four cards of the same rank or value. You can see Four of a Kind: Queens at the picture below. If both players have Four of a Kind, a player with heist-ranked cards in the combination wins. Four of a Kind: Queens beats Four of a Kind: Jacks and so on.

Full House

Three of a kind combined with two of a kind (Example: Q, Q, Q, 10, 10). You can see Full House: Queens full of Tens at the picture below.


Five cards of the same suit, not in sequence (Example: 8, 10, J, Q, A). Ace High Flush is in the picture below. If both players have a Flush, the player with highest ranked card in a flush wins.


Five cards in sequence, not of the same suit (Example: 8, 9, 10, J, Q). Queen High Straight is in the picture below. If both players have Straight a player with the highest card in the straight wins.

You must know that there is a straight A, 2, 3, 4, 5. It is called a Wheel. It is the weakest straight.

Three of a kind

Three cards of the same rank (example: Q, Q, Q). Three of a Kind: Queens is in the picture below

Two Pair

Two sets of pairs (Example: Q, Q, 10, 10).


Two cards of the same rank (Example: 8, 8). A pair of Eights beats a Pair of Fives.

High Card

A poker hand that does not fit in any of the above categories. The hand's rank is the highest card. If two poker hands have the same highest-ranked card, the next highest-ranked card wins the hand.

Poker is built on mathematics. The strength of a hand depends on the probability of getting it. For example, the probability of getting a Royal flush is 0.0008% if you are dealt two suited broadway connectors. It is a rare combination and the strongest one.